Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Rio Carbon 5GB Limited Edition

The Rio Carbon is capable of holding up to 80 hours of MP3 (160hours WMA) music, and with up to 20 hours of battery life on a single charge,music lovers need not worry about running out of juice. Sporting an ultra-thinand tapered design, and with 25 percent more memory than iPod® mini, this tinyMP3 player, about the size of a business card, will slide into any pocketvirtually unnoticeable. Supporting USB 2.0 and a host of file formats; users candownload music efficiently and easily from most of their favorite online musicsites. The Rio Carbon also includes voice recording and provides seamlessintegration and support of both the PC and Mac platforms. Only 500 Rio CarbonLimited Edition units available from September 3rd at a price of US$ 249.99

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